Once you’ve written your manuscript, a manuscript appraisal can highlight areas for improvement. This is particularly valuable if you have received many rejection letters from publishers. It’s also an important step if you plan to self-publish.
An appraisal will give you an outside perspective on the strengths and weaknesses of your manuscript, which will help you to make decisions on where to go next.
What Does a Manuscript Appraisal Include?
If you opt for a manuscript appraisal, one of our talented editors will read your manuscript and offer valuable advice. You’ll receive a 3–5 page report addressing each area that needs improvement. The report will also highlight areas that work well, so you can incorporate more of this in other areas.
Next, you’ll have the opportunity to speak with your appraiser over a 30-minute Skype or Zoom session. During this session, you can ask any questions you have about your appraisal and gain immediate answers. You should then have a good understanding of what you can do to give your manuscript the best chance of publication.